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Submit a Memory

This is your opportunity to share what The Decibels Foundation has meant to you and your family!

Do you have a special story or memory to share? Is there someone particular you want to thank? Do you want to share something in tribute to one of our award recipients or other honorees? Here is your opportunity. You can share a sentence or two, or something longer, and you can upload a photo or two if you'd like. Share one memory or a dozen.

We will collect these quotes, stories, and memories to share at the 20th Anniversary Dinner.

You can also email Shauna at if you'd prefer.

Thank you so much for your contribution!

First Name
Last Name

Who is your submission about?
Select all that apply
Upload files you'd like to share including photos or other documents
No file selected
Note that any uploaded files may be shared publicly at the Dinner
  • The Caroline Bass Fund
    The Caroline Bass Fund
  • Klapinsky Family
  • CSANE-logo

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